front side.jpg
front straight.jpg
top down.jpg
book and cage separate.jpg
first page.jpg


by Pau Verlarde & Anne Schouten

Starting this project we committed to take one picture, one portrait and write something
down per day for 36 days in a row. Not sure what we would be confronted with along
the way we started off with the intention on capturing real-life, where we didn’t want to
hide ourselves. Could we fight against the polished selected images on the web when
you have to take a picture within your daily routine? Even while you are not inspired at all?
Is there overlap between two different lives of photographers with different backgrounds?

Can we be transparent and see-through our own different layers?

See-through contains a three dimensional observation perspective that takes you through daily
life while we run into the incongruence of our own perception seeing differences in the
three fields of expression.